
The following incidents were reported in the USC Dept. of Public Safety crime/incident summary on Thursday, Aug. 28.

Crimes against property

At 11:48 PM on Aug. 28, a suspect broke into the window of a car at the Mansion and took a bottle of alcohol.

Miscellaneous incidents

At 2:01 PM on Aug. 28, DPS responded to a fire alarm at the Clinical Science Center that was set off by dust stirred by a contractor who was cleaning the refrigerator. The alarm was reset and the building cleared for reentry.

At 2:19 PM on Aug. 28, two vehicles owned by staff members that were parked outside of John Hubbard Hall were damaged when a tree branch fell on them.

At 4:00 PM on Aug. 28, DPS officers responded to and extinguished a small brush fire outside of the Soto Street Building with buckets of water.