
The following incidents were reported in the USC Dept. of Public Safety incident report summary between Tuesday, Feb. 11 and Wednesday, Feb 12.

Crimes against a person

at 12:37 P.m. on Feb. 11, a student reported continuous unwanted harassment from another student at Parking Structure D.

Crimes against property

at 10:08 A.m. on Feb. 11, a staff member at the Harlyne J. Norris Research Tower sent a report about his missing cell phone.

Miscellaneous incidents

at 10:01 a.m. on Feb. 11, an Los Angeles Fire Department RA unit was called to the James H. Zumberge Hall of Science in response to a student facing severe abdominal pains. Unit #15 transported the student to the California Hospital for treatment.

at 10:18 A.m. on Feb. 11, a staff member collided a USC vehicle with a student driving his vehicle. Both properties faced negligible damages.

at 11:46 A.m. on Feb. 11, DPS officers responded to a report at the Keck Hospital of a patient trying to use a pull tab from an aluminum can to cut her neck. A nurse intervened, and the patient became even more violent.

at 12:25 p.m. on Feb. 11, a student yelled profane language to a staff member who requested that the  student move his bike from the entrance of the Engemann Health Center. The student was later cited to Judicial Affairs.

at 4:05 P.m. on Feb. 11, USC got a report of a USC male at the Keck Campus who felt light-headed. A response team went to the scene and he was later taken into medical treatment on campus.

at 7:50 P.m. on Feb. 11, a student smoking marijuana in one of the residential dorm buildings was cited to Judicial Affairs.

at 4:35 A.m. on Feb. 12, DPS received a report of a student trying to get on campus without an ID while intoxicated. It was later reported that the student appeared to be coherent and in no need of medical care. He was later taken back to his residence hall.