Freshman swimmer beats the odds

Ian Silverman, who was born with cerebral palsy, brings his talents to USC’s men’s swimming team.

Sam Pepper’s prank video crossed the line

Earlier this month, YouTuber and British prankster Sam Pepper released a video, “Fake Hand A– Pinch Prank,” that featured him groping women on the street. Pepper, posing as a confused pedestrian with his hands tucked into his sweatshirt pockets, dissolved into giggles when the women discovered his arm reaching out from behind to touch them […]

USC has room to improve this year

The college football season follows a predictable pattern each year. Early on, a number of teams have standout performances, with each squad making their case for elite status. Then injuries, upsets and conference play start, and the season begins to fall into focus. This generally happens at the end of September, when almost everything crystalizes. […]