Dr. Davis and Diversity

“I have a hard time accepting diversity as a synonym for justice.” – Dr. Angela Davis When a legend speaks, it’s best to listen. Around 850 people lined up to spend an evening with civil rights leader Dr. Angela Davis on Monday evening, many of them students, many of them grateful members of the surrounding […]

A Guide: Business Networking 101

1. Appearance is everything.  Welcome to the business and professional world, where that piece of paper you worked for four years for comes second to what kind of socks you are wearing. Just kidding — when dressing for a professional event or workday, dress to impress. You must embody the physicality of professional and success people […]

Big Sean delivers most worthwhile effort yet with Dark Side Paradise

“I started rapping Biggie Smalls in the basement/and now we headed towards the tallest skyscrapers,” Big Sean muses on “Dark Sky,” the opening track to his third studio album, Dark Sky Paradise. Sean sounds hungry – after four mixtapes and two studio albums he still feels like he has something to prove with this release. […]

Ukraine conflict poses long-term political risks

It has been one year since the conflict in Ukraine began and little progress has been made in the Eastern European country. Peace negotiations between the leaders of Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine left all parties involved with a bitter taste in their mouths, as they agreed to a 15- to 45-mile buffer zone but […]

Goodbye Tokyo, Hello Seoul

The amount of camaraderie you can build with people within a little over two weeks is surprisingly great, especially when considering that your group was initially divided by cultural barriers and backgrounds. My two weeks at Keio University were a special time, as demonstrated by the farewells that flowed between the Japanese students and the […]