Poll shows Californians favor tax hike

A new poll by Policy Analysis for California Education and the Rossier School of Education indicated that 63 percent of voters favor of extending Proposition 30 to bring more money to public schools. The proposition is set to expire at the end of 2016.

By extending Prop. 30, voters would be agreeing to a tax increase for those with high incomes, a general sales tax increase or possibly both.

According to the polls, only 28 percent of voters oppose a tax increase.

The last time Prop. 30 was modified, it resulted in a quarter-cent tax increase for the state as well as a higher personal income tax for those with incomes larger than $250,000 a year. All tax increases funded public schools and government programs.

Rossier Dean Karen Gallagher said the poll clearly shows that Californians are not opposed to funding public schools with taxes.

“Since the inception of this poll in 2012, we have identified valuable trends that not only reflect the opinions of the state’s voters, but also influence policymakers in Sacramento,” Gallagher said in a statement released by USC News. “The latest results indicate a growing confidence in our public school system as voters are clearly willing to provide greater financial support to education.”

According to USC News, the amount of voters who believe public schools have gotten better has increased by 10 percent to 17 percent in the last three years.

David Plank, executive director of PACE, said residents are happy with the changes, but expect more to come.

“Voters are clearly not satisfied with the State of California’s public education system, but they are beginning to see their schools moving in the right direction,” Plank said in a statement released by USC News. “They still see a lot of room for improvement, but this is a very encouraging trend.”

2 replies
  1. Liberty Minded
    Liberty Minded says:

    Tax increases are not necessary to fund schools. Those that want tax increases are only voting for more poverty for themselves and their neighbors in one of the Highest Taxed States in the Union.

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