Which type of study habit defines you?

Danny Helms | Daily Trojan

Danny Helms | Daily Trojan

The ways students approach assignments reveals a lot about their study habits. As college students, we follow patterns of how we attempt to learn, whether it is a simple 10-point quiz or a 10-page essay. Learning new concepts can either invoke passion for the subject or apathy for the assignment. College is a time when students can not only learn in their classes, but also learn about themselves. This includes discovering how you learn best and developing a positive work ethic. After attending USC for the past two months, I have noticed many different students whose study habits constantly change. Not one student is perfect at studying, and we can all fit within these categories.

1. Early Bird Gets the Worm
All students are envious of this person when a test or paper due date rolls around because this person always begins their work when it is assigned. Remember this student when you have not started an assignment because they have definitely already completed it. This admirable student is the most efficient with their time. However, he or she is often the most anxious if they ever procrastinate. This type of student, who always remembers the due dates and never forgets an assignment, is good to study with.

2. I’ll Just Do It Tomorrow
These people are found in every university classroom. They always have small amounts of work that just piles up over time. Although not the most developed procrastinators, these students are always put things off until later. They have neglected to start a large assignment until the day before it was due at some point, and therefore, they are constantly trying to ensure it does not happen again. They will often have a long list of uncompleted tasks that was written several weeks or months ago.

3. Playing the Waiting Game
This is the type of person all students are truly afraid of becoming. In fact, most students compare themselves to these procrastinators in order to ensure they are not the “worst” student. These  students typically write their essays the morning they’re due, whether it is at 2 a.m. or right before their 11 a.m. class. They may be extremely intelligent, but they have perfected procrastination to an art form. Be careful in trying to imitate this student’s habits because they play a dangerous game.

4. Will Not Stop Whining
This type of person will do nearly everything before they start their work, especially complaining. There’s at least one of these students in every class, and he or she is often the one who attempts to challenge the professor, of course in a whiny voice.  When they work in study groups, the whining only gets worse.

5. The Ace of Spades
This type of student does not have to study in order to receive the best grade in the class. They are the student we are all slightly envious of, because they are very successful, regardless of effort. However, there is no need to fret, they too will endure serious challenges when confronted with material they truly do not understand because usually this student’s specialty is in one area and not all their classes come as easily.