Ask Tiffany: Friendzoning 101

Photo courtesy of Flickr

Photo courtesy of Flickr

“I have a friend who keeps wanting to hang out.TiffanyKuanheadshot He’s really awesome, but I fear he likes me more than platonically. How do I non-awkwardly, non-confrontationally, non-friendship-destroyingly relay the message that I am uninterested in a more-than-friends relationship but still really would like to be homies?!?!”

Making yourself a little less available is a generally effective way to curb any thoughts that you might be into him, and hopefully he takes the hint. Don’t go out of your way to confront him about his suspected feelings — lest you come off as presumptuous — but definitely be straightforward about your disinterest if he makes a move or says something. Attempting to protect him from the truth with ambiguity will ultimately be more hurtful than the temporary discomfort of making it clear that this is a closed door. An old adage to guide you through the aftermath: It’s not weird unless you make it weird.

Tiffany Kuan is a senior majoring in business administration. Her blog advice column, Ask Tiffany, runs every Monday.

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