Musings on lint rollers and other things

I was asked recently to sum up my experiences studying abroad in Istanbul — a question that really has no good answer because there really is no way to sum up living in a country that is totally different from your own, and especially a place as diverse, exciting and crazy as Istanbul. I think […]

Nine situations every foodie will understand

I don’t know about you, but food will always be the way to my heart. Yes, I admit it. I am a foodie. My thoughts constantly revolve around everything food-related. What am I eating for dinner tonight? Wow that burrito looks really good, I wonder where it’s from. Where should I go for brunch this […]

An Overview: Donut Worry, Be Happy

Over the past eight months, I have traveled far and wide to explore 11 of the most well-known donut places in Los Angeles. I often joke that this column might as well be called “How I Gained my Freshman 15,” but that makes it sound like I belong on some TLC show, and I’m not […]

Familiar and foreign at the same time

While my friends in the States are gearing up for finals, I’ve just returned from my mid-semester break. I keep calling it spring break, but it’s autumn in the Southern Hemisphere and most students don’t really travel to any beachy or boozy destinations during their two weeks off. My friends and I, however, used this […]

Home away from home (Very away from home)

  Last weekend, I signed up to stay with a family for two nights in a delightful neighborhood nestled like a hat on top of the city’s center. Bo Kaap is a Muslim community of about 10,000 people. Each little house is painted a bright color from hot pink to mustard yellow, making it the […]

Why no one does college “right”

After 14 weeks of blogging about the end of my undergraduate career, it’s now actually the final week of my undergraduate career — a little bit of a drawn-out farewell, I know, but bear with me for one more blog post. I thought writing my last post would be easy. In fact, even as this past […]

We asked 18 students to draw campus from memory, and this is what happened.

As the years here at USC pile on, the campus map that lives within our mind’s eye may either be very much like the official blueprint given to us freshman year — or not. Our experiences begin shaping our perspective of campus from Day One so that the vision of USC that an English major has can’t be more different […]

Tech Tips: Cool for the Summer

The final papers and projects of the year are piling up, but freedom is almost here. Whether you’ll be impressing your boss at an internship this summer or working on your tan at the local pool, here are four apps to arm yourself with to have the coolest summer yet. SkyGuide ($1.99, iOs) Point SkyGuide […]

Grow your herbs with a dorm-friendly indoor garden

When a recipe calls for chicken, pasta, veggies or cheese, I nod my head thinking, “Got it, got it, got it and got it.” But when moving to the bottom half of a recipe and noticing it calls for common herbs such as parsley, basil or oregano, I think, “Don’t got any of that.” I, […]

Ask Tiffany: How to deliver a mic drop

Looking back, what has surprised you most about college? Based on your answer, do you have any advice? I chose to answer this question with every intention of devising some heartwarming and profound revelation as a convenient conclusion to this column. When it came time to brainstorm my answer, however, I found myself stymied, unable […]