Getting out the vote

USC students will take to the polls today to elect Undergraduate Student Government members after a newly-extended campaign period that spanned nearly three weeks — but it’s still unclear whether that prolonged phase will result in increased voter turnout. Student government elections have become notorious at colleges nationwide for drawing only a small percentage of […]

Soundboard: NFL Draft

Columnist Jordyn Holman asked the USC community on their thoughts about Trojans Marqise Lee and Dion Bailey entering the NFL Draft, as well as their expectations for next fall’s football season. Follow Jordyn Holman and Razan Al Marzouqi on Twitter. Follow us @dailytrojan.

Twerking can be a beneficial workout

There are certain dance moves that distinguish themselves as accomplishments of the human physique: the Charleston, the Twist, the moonwalk, and so on. Other styles remain well-kept secrets of their respective scenes until suddenly they are thrust into the mainstream and appropriated by the masses. One such dance trend is twerking. The word “twerk” boasts […]

Tommy Trumpet

  Hours before kick off, the Daily Trojan inquired the USC community about general feelings towards this football season and their expectations of the team’s performance. Students also voiced their thoughts on Thursday night away football games, especially the Hawai’i season opener. The campus was alive and full of spirit through on-campus viewing parties, despite the […]

Cook like it’s spring

Spring is here, and what better way to celebrate the arrival of sunny weather than with a bowl of intense, beautiful chilled pea soup? This simple recipe utilizes a few versatile techniques that’ll serve you well even if you want to branch out to use other ingredients — gazpacho, roasted-tomato soup or even fancy pureed […]

Skull and Dagger succeeds in prank

Skull and Dagger prank USC students on Tuesday by holding a fake special announcement at Tommy Trojan, commemorating their 100 year anniversary. Current USG President Mikey Geragos introduced the event, with athletes Matt Barkley, Marqise Lee and Khaled Holmes announcing the prank.

KXSC Fest encourages student interaction

Students danced into the night to the sounds of KXSC Fest in the Tutor Campus Center ballroom on Sunday.  Pop/Rock electronic artist Dan Deacon performed in the center of the audience where he pumped up the crowd urging students to let loose in multiple dance offs and synchronized circles. Deacon’s performance focused on audience participation […]