Tag Archive for: oreos

Romantic rejection leads to bright future

At this time of year, your summer glows are fading, the world is getting colder — like to 75 degrees — and the trees are letting go of their leaves and exposing their bare souls. It’s October, and change is certainly in the air. It’s OK to be afraid of this change. You’re at the […]

Gluten eating habits are hard to break

Sometimes — or perhaps all of the time — bad habits are difficult to break. Smoking, drinking, drugs — but what about gluten? Yes, that gluten: The protein found mostly in wheat products. Gluten-free people can indulge in moderation One might assume that when you find out you need to go gluten free, it’s as […]

Start diva-dieting with muffin tops

Tear open a Nabisco 100-calorie pack, and you get five little crisps that resemble the conveyor belt castoffs of Oreos or Chips Ahoy. Nabisco’s new slogan is “Diet Like a Diva,” and it bears some truth. Chances are you will feel so dissatisfied with these Oreo wafers that you’ll storm off to find a pack […]