With settlement, NFL stadium clears hurdle

USC Trustee Edward Roski Jr.’s proposed NFL stadium is one step closer to making its LA debut.

The city of Walnut agreed to drop its lawsuit Tuesday against the building of an NFL stadium in the neighboring City of Industry, in return for a $9 million payment deal and other incentives, the Pasadena Star-News reported.

Walnut filed the lawsuit in March against the City of Industry and Roski-chaired Majestic Realty Co., insisting the Industry City Council approved the $800 million venue without reviewing and discussing its environmental and traffic impact.

Roski and Majestic Realty lobbied extensively to persuade the California State Assembly to ease the California Environmental Quality Act on the 75,000-seat development, arguing it would create 18,000 jobs. At the time, lobbyists for Los Angeles County were ordered to work against the bill.

The state assembly then passed a bill that waived the act on Sept. 11, according to the Whittier Daily News.

When the bill reached the State Senate, the Senate decided to send it back to Industry and Majestic Realty to be negotiated with the city of Walnut.

Specifics of the settlement entail that Industry will pay Walnut $9 million for traffic improvements in the local area, as well as make an annual payment to a Walnut “community fund.” The annual payment will vary year to year, depending on how many events are held at the stadium.

Industry also assured that it will control traffic and noise around the stadium, and will employ groups of local officials to guide and control traffic on event days. Industry also said events held at the stadium will not run past 10 p.m., the Pasadena Star-News reported.

Walnut City Council members voted 3-1 Tuesday to approve the settlement.

However, the Industry City Council will vote whether or not to approve the settlement Thursday.

If Industry doesn’t approve the settlement, the Senate agreed to hold a special meeting to discuss the bill again before the end of the month, according to the Pasadena Star-News.