Welcome to the Daily Trojan, the student newspaper at the University of Southern California. The first edition of this paper was published in 1912, and over the course of its history the paper has served as the primary source of news and information for the USC campus readership. It has also been recognized for continuously and consistently providing an atmosphere of free, responsible discussion and intellectual exploration of USC issues.
The Daily Trojan History Project was created to give DT readers insight into the paper’s long history of informing and entertaining the university community. Presented here is an ongoing look at the story of the Daily Trojan.
- A Trojan Tradition An overview of the Daily Trojan’s history and an in-depth look at the 1992 Los Angeles Riots and other events where the Daily Trojan made an indelible impact
- Where Are They Now? Perspective on the continuing careers of Daily Trojan Alumni
- Editors In Chief The full list of DT Editors in Chief since 1912
—Articles Contributed by Michael S. Carter and Elisa Ung. Compiled by Scott A. Smith. Special thanks to the staff of the Daily Trojan, past and present, for their participation and assistance.