USG passes interdisciplinary adviser resolution

The Undergraduate Student Government on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution that could help alleviate student confusion about double majoring or minoring in different fields of study.

With the passage of the resolution, USG will begin working with administrators to help get students interdisciplinary advisers who will help them plan a course of study that spans different academic fields.

“What we’re doing is giving [the resolution] to the administration, and they’ll see it has full support of the Senate,” said Andrew Matson, USG’s director of academic affairs.

Matson has been working on the proposal all year. He said he feels that, since USC encourages students to take on second majors or minors, the university should also provide support for those students.

“Advising hasn’t caught up with that push on students [to study different fields], so we really need to improve the situation so students can take advantage of all the interdisciplinary options at USC,” Matson said.

He said he will push for the next USG administration — specifically the new director of academic affairs — to continue working on the resolution.

Ashlie Chan, vice president of USG, said she also thinks it’s very important that the next administration keeps working on the resolution so interdisciplinary advising can become a reality.

Chan said the addition of interdisciplinary advisers will benefit students because it will lead to less confusion about their choice of studies.

“There are so many people I know by word of mouth saying they are either double majors or [majoring and minoring] … and sometimes they have no idea what counted for what major, what classes are going to give them credit for something,” Chan said. “Having interdisciplinary advisers specializing in what can count as two different requirements is going to make students’ lives so much easier.”

The new administration’s officers, who will have the chance to see this proposal to fruition if they choose, will be selected in a few weeks.