KXSC Fest encourages student interaction

Students listen to Dan Deacon deejay at the fifth annual KXSC Fest, hosted by independent student radio station KXSC. The event was held indoors for the first time in the Ronald Tutor Campus Center Grand Ballroom on Saturday night. Performers also included Chelsea Wolfe and Nguzunguzu. — Razan Al Marzouqi | Daily Trojan
Students danced into the night to the sounds of KXSC Fest in the Tutor Campus Center ballroom on Sunday. Pop/Rock electronic artist Dan Deacon performed in the center of the audience where he pumped up the crowd urging students to let loose in multiple dance offs and synchronized circles.
Deacon’s performance focused on audience participation as students waved their cellphones in the air flashing multicolor light from the self-titled app that he created. Andrea Alonso, a junior majoring in Print and Digital Journalism, felt that Deacon closed the event on a great note that helped to increase the energy and allow students to engage more with one another.
“It was incredible and I’ve been needing to move my body like that so it was an explosion of excitement.”
so happy and bizarre and perfect.
Thank you so much to KXSC for working their butts off and putting on an amazing Fest that greatly adds to art/music/collaborative culture at USC.
I would like to see support from the university to move the event back outdoors in order to return to the traditional springtime festival atmosphere of the last four years, an atmosphere that necessitates open space. BUT, mad props to KXSC for working within the system this year and bringing an artist that definitely worked in the indoor venue. It was such an awesome experience.
And thanks to DT for covering it!
i love KXSC this years fest was good even tho it had to be underground and students only :(
Thx for coverin, DT.
Wack caption doe… Deacon did many things on sat night, but he aint no “deejay”
Great video! Thanks for capturing such awesome moments, DT!