Classes promote fun workout trend

It’s a new year and a new semester — people are looking to start fresh, with many vowing to get fit as their New Year’s resolutions. For some, working out can be a major struggle. And it’s not necessarily the physical aspects of working out that many find to be tough — it is finding the motivation to do it.

Fitness classes are a great way to maintain the enthusiasm for a healthy New Year’s resolution. In a fitness class, people can get in shape by learning from a well-trained instructor in a setting that allows them to feed off the energy of other people. Though the classes may seem intimidating at first, instructors usually make an effort to make new participants feel comfortable and remind them that they can go at their own pace.

One of the most popular workout hotspots at the moment is SoulCycle, a spinning class with locations throughout L.A. and the United States. The company’s website states that the goal of a SoulCycle class is to “guide riders through an inspirational, meditative fitness experience that’s designed to benefit the body, mind, and soul.” Though the spiritual aspect may scare some people away from the class, it is an experience worth trying.

Each class space is filled with bikes that face an instructor — instructors choose the music played during their classes, which may seem like just a way to add some excitement to the workout, but can set the entire tone of the class. In addition, well-chosen music is a great tool to motivate riders and keep them going through the hardest parts of the ride. Each instructor’s SoundCloud can be viewed through the SoulCycle app and website to ensure that each rider can pick an instructor with similar music tastes.

If working out in front of other people seems daunting, don’t fret; SoulCycle is held in a candle-lit room, which forces people to focus on their own workouts rather than their neighboring cyclists. The ambient lighting also adds to the spiritual aspect of the class, as the atmosphere is intended to give people a chance to find their “soul.”

A SoulCycle will be opening on Olive and 9th in Downtown L.A., about a 10-minute drive from USC, in 2016. At $30 a class, SoulCycle is definitely one of the more expensive workout classes out there. However, there are many other classes near campus that provide a great workout for less.

Boxing is also a great way to get a good sweat going and relieve some stress. Boxing classes are designed to work your whole body and are a great way to get toned and strengthen your core. City of Angels Boxing is just a three-minute drive or 15-minute walk from campus. Each class costs $20, or $99 for an unlimited month of classes. Considering how expensive gyms and other workout classes cost in Downtown, the cost of these classes are definitely a steal.

If you’re not sure what kind of workout class is best for you, try some out at USC: The Lyon Center on campus offers some great classes at a lower cost. The first week of classes, January 11-15, is a “Preview Week” for all workout classes and are free for students. Passes are available for purchase on a semester basis, which allows students to go to as many — or as little — classes as they choose. This is a great option for students living on or near campus who do not want to commute to other workout classes in a further location.

Make 2016 the year you follow through with your yearly resolutions — ­try some classes and find one that best suits your personality.