New Freshmen Dormitory To Be Dedicated Tonight

David X. Marks Hall Will House Fifty Troy Men

December 4, 1953
NEW QUARTERS — Formal opening of David X. Marks Dormitory, first university-owned men’s dorm, will take place tonight after which the doors will be thrown open for public inspection. Knights and ’54 Club members will conduct tours of the dorm, located at 36th Street and Hoover Boulevard. Construction began early las spring on the $250,000 building which will house approximately 50 freshmen. (Daily Trojan file photo)

This is an unaltered digital rendition of the print article published December 4, 1953. Read the full paper at the Daily Trojan’s print archives, courtesy of USC Libraries.

The new David X. Marks freshman men’s residence hall will be dedicated at 8 tonight by President Fred D. Fagg Jr., and the donor of the building, Los Angeles Businessman David X. Marks.

Freshmen will start moving into the new three-story building Sunday afternoon. The dormitory will accommodate 30 students in double and triple rooms.

Dedicatory remarks by President Fagg and Marks will be accompanied by the unveiling of a bronze plaque of the donor, in the spacious first floor lounge of the hall. Knights and members of the ’54 Club will guide visitors on a tour of the building, located on the corner of 36th St. and Hoover Blvd. Students are welcome to attend the ceremonies and the following open house.

$250,000 Building

Marks donated the entire $250,000 building to the University as a personal contribution to its progress.

According to Housing Director Mrs. Pat Arnold, there are still a few rooms available in the new hall. Freshman may fill out applications at the Housing bureau, second floor Student Union. The office will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today.

No meals will be served at the dormitory until the beginning of next semester. Room expenses for the remainder of this term have been set at $40 per student. Beginning in February, room and board will cost each resident $330 per semester.

Book Shelves

Every room in Marks Hall provides a desk and study lamp, book shelves, chest of drawers, a separate wardrobe, and bed with innerspring mattress for each occupant.

There are showers on each floor, and residents of the hall may use a completely equipped laundry in the basement.

The lounge on the first floor of the hall features a huge brick fire place, and comfortable leather upholstered divans and chairs. Also on the first floor are the dining area, reception desk, office, kitchen, and an apartment for the housemother.

Head Resident

Mrs. Rita Nicolai has been appointed head resident for the new hall. She is already well known on the SC campus, having served as housemother for the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority for four years. Last year, she was housemother for a chapter of the same sorority in Florida. She will see her first service in a men’s residence at Marks.

Verle Sorgen, SC graduate student, has been named proctor for the hall. He will direct activities of the residents, and lead in the organization of a student governing body.

Game Room

In the basement of the hall is a large, well-equipped game room, with a billard table, ping pong tables, games, and lounging furniture.

A contemporary theme has been maintained throughout the decoration of the new building. All furniture is of a durable blonde finish, and leather upholstered. Color scheme ranges from the blonde to deep browns, featuring light chocolates and greens. Each room has one wall of blonde paneling.

Construction Features

Construction features of the new building include radiant heating; special hot air heating for the lower floor; incandescent fighting; a call system with buzzers in each room and a telephone on each floor. The design is such that every room receives outside light through a large window. The 40′ x 100′ building provides 14,911 square feet of living space. It is situated on a wedge-shaped lot of 18,750 square feet, already completely landscaped and with new lawns well started.

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