Campbell announces campaign for U.S. Senate

Former congressman Tom Campbell announced this morning that he will take himself out of the running to replace Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and will instead enter the race to unseat U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer.

In a video posted on his website today, Campbell announced his decision to his supporters.

“Now, when our national debt has skyrocketed to more than $12 trillion— that’s more than $40,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States — I strongly considered where I could serve, and where I could do the most good,” Campbell said. “Today, I’m announcing my candidacy for the United States Senate.”

Campbell also sent an e-mail to his supporters and made a formal announcement this morning at a Los Angeles hotel, ABC7 reported.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Campbell cited the economic strength of his opponents in the gubernatorial race as one of his reasons for making the switch.

“The path of public service and teaching is rewarding, but it does not afford one the ability to invest millions of dollars in a campaign for office,” Campbell wrote in the e-mail to supporters.

In the gubernatorial race, Campbell was facing stiff competition from the other Republican candidates — former eBay CEO Meg Whitman and state Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner.

Now, Campbell will take on former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina and state assemblyman Chuck DeVore in the Senate GOP primary. The winner of the primary will face Boxer.

The San Jose Mercury News reported today that Campbell, considered a moderate Republican, could benefit from being generally well-liked and recognized.

Campbell has run for Senate twice before, losing in the primary in 1992, and then winning the primary but losing to Sen. Dianne Feinstein in 2000.