In Theaters Today
Cop Out
This Kevin Smith-directed action cop comedy follows Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan as they track down vintage baseball cards and encounter drug dealers, money launderers and — what else — gangsters along the way. Blessing of blessings, Seann William Scott also appears.
A Prophet
Originally debuting at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival, this French crime film, directed by Jacques Audiard, centers on Tahar Rahim, a young man sent to prison where he joins the Corsican Mafia and begins working for them. Eventually, he cements his own criminal network and no longer follows the Mafia.
The Crazies
A remake of a 1973 original, this horror film centers on a small Iowa town whose water supply has been contaminated by a strange toxin. Soon, the military initiates a purging campaign and begins killing everyone in sight, making life that much tougher for Timothy Olyphant and the select few survivors.
The Yellow Hankerchief
William Hurt, Maria Bello and Twilight’s Kristen Stewart inexplicably co-star in a love story set in post-Katrina Louisiana. Udayan Prasad directs this big screen adaptation of a short story by Pete Hamill, the source material for this tale of forgiveness and second chances.