Impact report released

The City of Los Angeles released an Environmental Impact Report last Thursday regarding USC’s new development plan that will increase available university-affiliated housing in North University Park and provide new retail outlets, including a movie theater, a grocery store and restaurants.

“This project was developed to provide USC with badly needed additional student housing, provide new academic space, and to create a vibrant retail space that will serve both our surrounding community and our academic community,” said USC Vice President for Government and Community Relations Tom Sayles in a press release.

The notice of completion for the report lists the boundaries for the proposed project as between 30th and Hoover streets, Jefferson Boulevard, Exposition Boulevard and Vermont Avenue.

The release of the report began a 45-day review period ending July 12. On June 16, the City Planning Department plans to hold a community forum. Currently the report is available to the public.

1 reply
  1. Donald
    Donald says:

    It this notice were to be truly usefull you should have included a web link.

    Meanwhile, the clock is ticking.

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