IN THEATERS TODAY – week of Nov. 19
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 [rated PG-13]
The film’s trailers call it “the motion picture event of our generation.” Today, audiences can experience part one of this two-part cinematic event and begin to say their farewells to Harry Potter. After entertaining adults and children alike over the last decade, the Harry Potter film series has reached its epic conclusion in The Deathly Hallows, the first half premiering this weekend with the second part of the story coming out next year. In this installment Harry, Ron and Hermione must not only destroy the Horcruxes, but stop the increasing power of Voldemort and his wicked army.
The Next Three Days [rated PG-13]
Russell Crowe plays a man hell-bent on finding the truth after his wife is convicted of murder in Paul Haggis’ latest thriller. The writer and director of Crash seems to have switched his attention from racism and classism to elaborate chase sequences and fiery action in the remake of the 2008 French film, Pour Elle. Along with Crowe, the film features performances from Elizabeth Banks, RZA and Liam Neeson.
Made in Dagenham [rated R]
If big Hollywood movies such as Harry Potter and The Next Three Days aren’t your cup of tea, then try out this rousing English film about female empowerment. The movie depicts a series of events in 1968 that occur when a group of female workers at a Ford car plant protest unequal pay and sexual harassment in the workplace and walk out on their bosses.