USC students strike first

The USC-UCLA football game this weekend might spark little interest nationwide for the first time this in many years, but that doesn’t mean the students have forgotten about the game.

In what appears to be the first attack of the week, an individual or group put red dye in three fountains at UCLA early Monday morning. Not surprisingly, USC students are the suspected culprits.

“The clue was the red dye,” UCLA police spokeswoman Nancy Greenstein told the Los Angeles Times. “Things like this are not unusual this time of year.”

In fact, this time last year, some people broke open a tarp covering the bronze bear statue in the middle of UCLA’s campus and poured yellow and red paint on it. This year, that bear is completely concealed in a wooden box and students are guarding it much like the Trojan Knights guard Tommy Trojan the week preceding the game.

The dye poured into the UCLA fountains is not expected to cause permanent damage, though the cost of draining and refilling them has yet to be determined, according to the Daily Bruin. And, as far as we can tell, there has been no retaliation from UCLA students on USC’s campus as of yet.