World Outside My Shoes founder Carl Willkins to address students today

If you are not planning on attending President Nikias’s address to the students today, consider heading on over to the Fishbowl Chapel at the University Religious Center from 4 until 7 pm. There, Carl Wilkins, the only American witness in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide, will be sharing his experiences. The founder of World Outside My Shoes and former head of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency in Rwanda, Wilkins has traveled across the country to inform people of the atrocities committed during the genocide and how he helped prevent the massacre of hundreds of children.

World Outside My Shoes is a nonprofit organization committed to motivating and equipping people to stand up against genocide or any other form of intolerance. An ideal leader of this organization, Carl Wilkins is truly influential.

“[He’s] a true hero. His quiet courage has inspired me and will inspire anyone who hears his story. I wish every young person — indeed, every person — in America could meet Carl,” said Jerry Fowler, president of Save Darfur. “He is such a powerful inspiration that I can’t think of anything that would contribute more to making our world a better place.”