Tyagi and Lachman ready to work on platform goals
Undergraduate Student Government President Monish Tyagi and Vice President Logan Lachman take office today, hoping to improve the connection between students, USG and the university administrators.

Work · Monish Tyagi, USG president, and Logan Lachman, USG vice president, hope to add a fall break and increase Campus Center hours. - Jennifer Schultz | Daily Trojan
Among his immediate goals, Tyagi said he wants to grow USG’s role as an organization that promotes students’ interests.
“We’re going to implement lobbying [for student interests], plan events through Program Board and increase opportunities for students to offer their input,” Tyagi said. “Now we’re trying to pick the team that can best do that.”
The Tyagi-Lachman administration is finalizing its executive cabinet. Although they take office today, Tyagi and Lachman will not officially announce their cabinet until they are sworn in Tuesday.
During the election, Tyagi and Lachman said they plan to find a solution to the on-campus “bike issue,” extend the hours of the Campus Center, talk to city officials about closing The Row to cars at one end, and increase the number of restaurants and businesses near campus where USCards are accepted.
Tyagi also intends to work to expand several initiatives pushed by former president Chris Cheng, such as creation of a fall break, addition of more two-unit classes and increased communication between USG and USC administration and sustainability.
Tyagi said he was very excited to take office.
“It’s surreal at this point,” Tyagi said. “It’s been a month in waiting since we found out we won the election. Chris did a great job preparing and teaching me, so I feel like I’m ready for it.”