Campus Calendar: Sept. 15

New Perspectives on Islam and the Middle East

12:30pm to 2:00pm

University Park Campus
Ronald Tutor Campus Center
The Forum


The Fellows Forum gathers USC grad school administered fellows and faculty from a variety of disciplines to discuss topics of shared interest.


Religious Intelligence

Center for International Studies Speaker Series

12:30pm to 2:00pm

University Park Campus
Social Sciences Building


UC Berkeley’s Ron E. Hassner discusses sacred rituals and symbols, which can act as force multipliers that motivate and constrain the effectiveness of actors.


Preparing and Submitting National Science Foundation Proposals

Center for Excellence in Research Workshop
Office of Research

2:00pm to 4:00pm

University Park Campus
Tutor Hall
Room 526

Due to limited space, RSVP is required.

Timothy Pinkston, professor in the USC Viterbi School’s Computer Engineering Division, leads a workshop on the best strategies for preparing and submitting NSF proposals.


Midori and the USC Thornton Symphony

Visions and Voices: The USC Arts & Humanitites Initiative, USC Office of the President, USC Flora L. Thornton School of Music

University Park Campus
Bovard Auditorium

By invitation only; concert will be broadcast live on KUSC 91.5 FM.

Violinist and Thornton faculty member Midori joins the Thornton Symphony to celebrate the announcement of the Campaign for the University of Southern California.


Tales from the Golden Age

USC School of Cinematic Arts
7:00pm to 11:00pm

University Park Campus
George Lucas Instructional Building
Ray Stark Family Theatre, Room 108


The Los Angeles premiere of this Romanian film is followed by a Q&A with director and USC School of Cinematic Arts alumna Ioana Uricaru.