Apple has its eye on television market

Speculations of Apple releasing a television set were further fueled after the release of Walter Isaacson’s biography Steve Jobs on Oct. 24, which hinted that Apple was moving into the television market.

Presumably, the device will be a LCD television powered by Apple’s iOS software, capable of synching wirelessly with other Apple devices, and integrated with basic console gaming. The television industry is one that has remained untouched by the billon-dollar company.

“It will have the simplest user interface you can imagine,” Jobs told Isaacson in the biography.

According to Gene Munster, Jeff Robbin is said to be leading a team in developing a prototype of the Apple television and could possibly release the set late 2012 or early 2013. Jeff Robbin has been extremely influential and beneficial to Apple’s successful ventures. Robbin helped develop the iPod and iTunes, and even persuaded Jobs to allow iTunes to be released for Microsoft Windows.

With the recent release of iCloud, the wirelessly accessible data storage for Apple devices, and Siri, the personal voice controlled assistant application, the release of an Apple television set could not be better timed. Apple has always strived to create devices with unmatched aesthetics, convenient controls, and high quality. The integration of iCloud and Siri into the television would give Apple the advantage in the television market.