
The following incidents were reported in the USC Dept. of Public Safety incident report between Wednesday, Jan. 4 and Monday, Jan. 9. 

Crimes against a person

At 12:43 p.m. on Jan. 9, a suspect approached a non-USC female who was standing at a bus stop at 37th Street and Vermont Avenue, asked for the time and forcibly pulled a chain from around her neck. DPS officers on routine patrol happened upon the scene and the suspect was detained after a short pursuit. The suspect was positively identified by the female during a field “show-up,” then he was arrested and transported for booking.

Crimes against property

at 10:24 P.M. on Jan. 4, a suspect pulled off a screen at 1362 30th St., opened an unsecured window and climbed through it to gain entry. The suspect then removed ten steaks, eighteen eggs and a bag.

Miscellaneous incidents

at 1:16 P.M. on Jan. 9, a staff member reported that he observed a suspect loitering on the fire escape outside a laboratory at the Zumberge Hall of Science. When the subject realized that he was being watched, he fled down the fire escape with a second suspect who was inside the lab. DPS officers responded and conducted a search, but were unable to locate the suspects. The staff member inspected the lab and stated it did not appear that any property had been removed.

at 12:11 P.M. on Jan. 9, DPS officers responded to a report of a suspect sleeping on the ground in front of the United University Church and detained her for investigation. The officers advised the suspect against trespassing on university property, then she was escorted off campus and released.

At 3:28 p.m. on Jan. 5, DPS officers responded to a non-USC male who fell out of his wheelchair inside the Keck Hospital parking building. The male was not injured and LAFD Unit #16 was at the scene assisting him into his vehicle when the officers arrived. The male then drove away without further incident.

At 10:18 p.m. on Jan. 4, a student was cited to Judicial Affairs at 27th and Hoover streets for uncooperative and belligerent behavior with DPS officers who detained him for questioning after he was observed behaving suspiciously.

At 4:28 p.m. on Jan. 4, a non-USC male entered the lobby of Keck Medical Hospital of USC and began screaming that he had been stabbed. A Rapid Response Team responded to the scene and found no injuries to the male, but he was suffering from an unidentified medical problem. The male was then transported to Alhambra Hospital for medical treatment.

At 2:38 p.m. on Jan. 4, DPS officers responded to a fire alarm activation in the Ronald Tutor Campus Center due to smoke from a lit cooking fuel cannister that was discarded in a trash can. The fuel was extinguished and properly disposed of by Fire Safety personnel who also responded to the scene. They reset the alarm and cleared the building for reentry.