The following incidents were reported in the USC Department of Public Safety daily incident log between Wednesday, Jan. 18, and Thursday, Jan. 19.
Crimes against property
at 12:34 a.m. on Jan. 19, DPS officers responded to a report of a bike theft in progress at Grace Ford Salvatori Hall of Letters, Arts & Sciences and detained two suspects matching the descriptions given by a witness. A locked bicycle was recovered nearby and the witness stated that he observed one of the suspects carry it away while the second one acted as a lookout. The registered owner informed the officers that no one had permission to remove her bike. The suspects were arrested and transported to S/W station for booking.
At 4:14 p.m. on Jan. 18, a security guard reported that she observed a suspect remove her property from a plastic bag and a handbag she had placed on the front porch of Alpha Gamma Omega while she was stationed nearby. The suspect was detained by DPS officers who responded to the scene and he was found in possession of the guard’s property. The suspect was arrested and transported to 77th station for booking.
Miscellaneous incidents
at 4:29 p.m. on Jan. 18, DPS officers stationed at Keck Hospital of USC saw a terminated staff member enter an administrator’s office and demand to speak with him. The staff member was advised that she needed an appointment to meet with the administrator and the officers escorted her from the premises without further incident.
at 9:49 a.m. on Jan. 18, DPS officers responded to a student who was feeling nauseated and weak. An LAFD RA unit was requested and Unit #15 responded. The RA Unit examined the student and transported her to California Hospital for medical treatment.