Nikias announces new campus security measures
After an on-campus shooting wounded four last Wednesday, President C. L. Max Nikias announced plans to implement new security policies, such as banning outside event promoters and requiring identification to access the University Park Campus from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. seven days a week. Entry to campus will be restricted to students, faculty, staff and their guests after 9 p.m.
The shooting occurred after Brandon Spencer, a 20-year-old from Inglewood, allegedly opened fire during a verbal dispute with Geno Hall, a former football player at Crenshaw High School. The incident occurred outside a Halloween party promoted by LA Hype in association with the Black Student Assembly. Spencer, who pleaded not guilty to four counts of attempted murder on Monday, wounded Hall and three unintended victims.
The university aims to implement all measures, which Nikias said are designed to prevent future incidents, by Jan. 14, 2013 — the start of the spring semester.
Michael Jackson, vice president for student affairs, told the Daily Trojan Nikias’ announcement underscores his commitment to ensuring safety.
“I want [students] to know their president is concerned about how the campus operates and that he wants it to be safe — that’s the big word,” Jackson said. “And that we are willing to take very affirmative steps toward doing that.”
Three measures concerning social events went into effect immediately. Organizers for events at USC facilities, or on The Row, are no longer permitted to use outside promoters. In addition, Dept. of Public Safety officers are required to check the IDs of all guests at on-campus events.
Additionally, the university also plans to evaluate its approval process for student event applications.
As part of the changes, USC will increase the number of DPS officers and yellow jacket ambassadors on the perimeter of campus, Nikias said. In addition, USC plans to install more security cameras on the perimeter of campus and at entrances to the university. Security will also be stationed in front of residence halls to check IDs 24 hours a day, according to Nikias.
University officials are still developing plans to restrict after-hours access to campus, especially at larger entrances, such as the intersection at Trousdale Parkway and Exposition Boulevard.
Jackson said he hopes students are receptive to the changes and provide the university with feedback during their implementation. Jackson also said the changes are not meant to interrupt day-to-day life on campus.
“We do not, in any way, want to impede the regular activities of students, faculty and staff,” he said.
Though increased security is expensive, Jackson said improved security outweighs the extra costs.
“The university is going to find it within its resources for these extra expenses,” Jackson said. “They are not inexpensive, but they are important expenditures if they, in fact, enhance safety.”
The decision to adopt the new polices involved senior administration, DPS and General Counsel, Jackson said. On Monday, Student Affairs briefed leaders of student groups, including Undergraduate Student Government and the Inter-Fraternity Council.
This was crazy but you have to admit that the surrounding area to usc is DEFINITELY ghetto! Some people have ties with these gangs which lead to these people getting invited and specially in the black community. I’m not being racist its just a fact.
Why is it so hard to understand for people that USC must do all it can to keep the gangs of its campus? I’m extremely happy with the new measures. Afterall, many nice living complexes, even in great areas are closed to the public and have guards at their entrances. Noone complains about that. We all know that SC is in the ghetto. It is bad enough that our students have to be afraid to walk the streets outside of campus they should at least be able to feel safe and secure on campus. Orwellian you know well that the shooting that happened on campus was a gang shooting. Had the victim not been able to enter campus [he even tweeted to all the homies when he entered SC campus “here comes the neighborhood” [referring to the Rollin 40s neighborhood crips of which he is a member].”This in turn brought his enemies to campus. USc must do all it possibly can to keep these people of campus because LAPD does not do anything to keep these people of the streets of South Central.
“We all know that SC is in the ghetto.”
Go play in traffic, or enroll in the shiny temple of West Los Angeles. The community and the campus are unexchangeable, moron. What happened was a random act of fckery that happens when these two world collide. I’m all for the new measure, but the baseless vitrol you speak is further evidence of the university’s inability to curtail the growing tide of ignorance.
aluminati is your messages directed to me? I certainly hope not as you are being incredibly rude and disrespectful to me and there is no reason for you to behave in such a manner. My message is all facts. This was a gang shooting! The main victim is a gang member [I have proof of that] and evidentally the shooter is a gang meber as well and this case is being prosecuted by one of the toughest gang prosecutors in LA.
Are you honestly arguing that USC is not in the ghetto? Where are you from, Somalia?
Welcome to the police state. Posting officers at the University’s entrances will be a huge waste of manpower. How about more patrols, instead?
Police state? College kids can be so over dramatic lol!