Daily Trojan wins 10 College Media Awards
The Daily Trojan was recognized for 10 awards at the California College Media Association awards ceremony Saturday night at San Jose State.
The CCMA awarded college publications that showed excellence in the print, online, advertising and magazine categories. Judges noted the paper for having articles that were thought-provoking, well-executed and examples of solid reporting.
The following students received awards for their contribution to the Daily Trojan:
First place, “Best Back to School or Orientation Issue,” Christina Ellis and the Fall 2012 Editorial Board.
Second place, “Best Use of Social Media,” Chloe Stepney for her coverage of the off-campus shooting on Raymond Avenue.
Second place, “Best Overall Design” by Kate Mock and Christina Ellis
First place, “Best Cartoon,” Robert Calcagno for his artwork on the piece, “Is Romney’s economic policy the best for future generations?”
Third place, “Best Photo Series,” Carlo Acenas for his campus reaction piece.
First place, “Best Sports Column,” Joey Kaufman for his commentary on the campus “Arrogant Nation” movement.
First place, “Best Sports Story,” Joey Kaufman for his story on Lane and Monte Kiffin.
Second place, “Best Arts and Entertainment Column/Criticism,” Louis Lucero II for his story, “TV programs exclude middlebrow audience.”
First place, “Best Personal Opinion Column,” Francesca Bessey for her article regarding USC’s open-campus policy.
First place, “Best Breaking News Story,” Chloe Stepney and Melissa Caskey for their coverage of two graduate students who were shot dead.
The full list of winners can be viewed on the CCMA website.