
The following incidents were reported in the USC Dept. of Public Safety incident report summary between Thursday, Sept. 5, and Friday, Sept. 6. 

Crimes Against A person

At 2:50 P.M. on Sept. 5, DPS officers assisted LAPD officers in searching for a non-USC man who had violated a restraining order against his ex-girlfriend. The male was not found, and both units cleared the scene.

at 1:56 A.m. on Sept. 6, a female reported to a DPS officer that a male student had grabbed her buttocks while she was walking. The female, who wished to remain anonymous, refused to remain at the scene, and the male denied to officers that the incident had occurred.

Crimes against property

At 4:33 P.M. on Sept. 5, DPS reported that a suspect used a sharp object to puncture the two passenger side tires on a student’s vehicle that was parked at 2325 Scarff Street.

at 6:28 p.m. on Sept. 5, a suspect took the front wheel from a bicycle locked to a bike rack in front of Leavey Library.

at 10:06 p.m. on Sept. 5, a staff member reported that a two-way radio owned by the department had gone missing between Aug. 25 and 29.