George W. Bush will visit USC

Former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush will visit USC on Nov. 19 as part of the President’s Distinguished Lecture Series.

L.A. Weekly released an email sent from Lisa Ebiner Gavit, secretary of the USC College Republicans, to the club’s membership on Monday. In the email, Gavit asked members to keep the meeting confidential. Students in the club could email their USC ID numbers and the former president’s staff would email them a formal invitation to the event on Nov. 18.

Some USC donors also received invitations to an event on Nov. 19 at 6:45 p.m. in Bovard Auditorium with the former president and first lady Laura Bush as part of the President’s Distinguished Lecture Series. USC Media Relations has confirmed that Bush will be speaking on Nov. 19 as part of the Lecture Series.

The President’s Distinguished Lecture Series is a program that began under former USC President Steven Sample with the intention of  bringing international leaders to speak on campus. Last October, former U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates spoke as part of the series.

USC College Republican President Jennifer Massey told L.A. Weekly that the secrecy surrounding the event was to ensure that USC students attended the event.

“I think because the last time he was here, there weren’t students,” she told L.A. Weekly. “They wanted to make sure students were there.”

Massey also said that the former first lady will likely also be in attendance, something the invitation to the Nov. 19 event corroborates.

“From what I’ve heard, everyone’s really excited,” Massey told L.A. Weekly. “Personally, I’m very excited. I’ve never met a president before.”

This report has been updated to reflect that USC Media Relations confirmed that the event is part of the USC President’s Distinguished Lecture Series and will occur on Nov. 19.

4 replies
  1. USA
    USA says:

    Is there another way for a USC student to get an invitation to this event other than being a member of USC College Republicans? I would very much like to go.

  2. NTM
    NTM says:

    Hey Matt. What’s in a poll, right? They’re just numbers…

    Well a new #Gallup poll shows Americans view our current president very much the same as they did President GW Bush. At the same point in their presidencies, the two are neck and neck with public opinion. According to Gallup, Bush even comes out a point ahead. Gotta love it!

    Now I didn’t agree with everything the polls may have shown about GW back then. I’m guessing you may or may not agree with people’s view of our current president as well. Hey, but polls are polls…so it must be true that the current president is on track to be, as you put it…. “one of the most disgraced presidents of all time”

    It’s much easier to sit in our arm chairs and judge than to be responsible for decisions affecting the future of a nation. Time has a way of providing clarity and understanding….

  3. NTM
    NTM says:

    Too bad Matt. Suck it up. I’m thrilled G.W. Is coming! I’m mortified Sol Proce hired Mayor Villaragosa as a professor…

  4. Matt
    Matt says:

    Why is one of the most disgraced presidents of all time speaking at a USC lecture series? That’s honestly embarrassing for me as an alumnus.

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