Golf tournament held to raise money for scholarship
The family of Sam Levine and the Sigma Chi fraternity hosted a golf tournament on Nov. 15 at Brookside Golf Club in order to raise money for a scholarship dedicated to Levine, a student and member of the fraternity who died in Mexico during spring break in 2013.
Current members of Sigma Chi and their alumni were invited to attend the event. Levine’s family and many of his friends also attended.
Richie Maloof, chairman and founder of the Sam Levine Golf Classic, encountered difficulties in planning the event.
“It was difficult at first because I faced a lot of adversity,” Maloof said. Maloof is a senior majoring in real estate management and the scholarship chair of Sigma Chi.
Maloof consulted with members of other fraternities and organizations on campus to plan the event. Sigma Chi also reached out to the fraternity’s past alumni, as well as organizations on campus for donations. There was an anonymous donor who matched all donations made in Levine’s honor, so the fraternity was able to raise over $50,000 from the event.
“The response this year was amazing,” said Debra Levine, Sam Levine’s mother.
The event was held during Parents Weekend so that students’ families would also be able to attend. The golf tournament sold out. Sigma Chi shirts and hats were sold at the tournament in order to raise more money for the scholarship fund as well.
“The event was mainly for the fraternity and the fraternity’s parents,” said Debra Levine.
There was a banquet that followed the golf tournament to honor Levine. At the banquet, Maloof gave a presentation about Sam Levine’s character as a tribute.
Richie Maloof’s brother, Kevin Maloof, created a painting of Sam Levine that was given to his family.
At the banquet, there was also a raffle and prizes were given out to some of those who attended.
Lee Trevino, a retired professional golf player, was at the Sam Levine Golf Classic, which helped to promote the event.
“[The recipient] of the scholarship will be chosen based on academics, their involvement on campus, and other factors,” Maloof said. The rest of the money will be used to benefit the fraternity. According to Debra Levine, the money might be used to help create a new basketball court and to create a plaque in Levine’s honor since he enjoyed playing basketball.
In the past, the scholarship chair had only been responsible for planning the scholarship banquet, but Maloof has expanded his role and has started to award members of Sigma Chi with G.P.A.s higher than a 3.3 gift cards and scholarships.
This is the first year that a golf tournament was held in Sam Levine’s honor, but the fraternity plans to make it an annual event.