25 things to do when you get the blues
Sometimes, manic Mondays become terrible Tuesdays. Sometimes, the horrible blues bleed into the precious holy land of weekends. Unfortunately, the blues can hit at the worst of times and the best of times; when you haven’t been able to see you friends in a long time or you have to read an entire Dickens novel in one night. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you take care of yourself when you’re feeling sad, gross, exhausted and generally rundown from the constant grind.
1. Make yourself or buy a cup of tea or hot chocolate and find a quite spot outside. If it’s hot: smoothies! Listen to the birds and wind rustle through the trees until you finish your drink.
2. Take a study break and get some fresh air. Observe how each squirrel on campus could possibly have different personalities.
3. Make up silly stories about the people you see walking around the TCC with a friend.
4. If you have a pet play the “How many things can I stick on you until you get move or get mad”
5. Write out everything that is bothering you on a post-it note. Rip up the post-it note into the smallest pieces you can. Create a chant, calling upon the spirits of the sun and moon to banish evil spirits. Flush the tiny bits down the toilet.
6. Scream “TOWANDA!” and proceed to kick butt at whatever you need to do.
7. Eat your favorite foods. Find cookbooks and try to recreate them or try a new restaurant. Treat yo’self.
8. Talk to old people. Their storybooks are thicker than Russian novels.
9. Drink lots of water. Make your pee clear. Clearer than the directions on your next class project.
10. Eat a banana and watch Charlie Chaplin films or The Three Stooges. Boost of potassium. Boost of confidence in your ability to not slip on the banana peel in your hand. You got this.
11. Do laundry. Change the sheets on your bed and your pillow case. You’ll sleep better, feel better — and won’t feel as cluttered.
12. Go to a used book shop or a library you don’t normally go to. Find new artists and hidden treasures in the Fine Arts Library. Ask the law school librarian if they know of any weird court cases. Check out Special Collections at Doheny. Pick a book in any library at random and see what it’s about.
13. Go to one of those free movie websites, or find a full movie available on Youtube (no matter how cheesy or bad) and watch it. Watch multiple ones until you find one that makes you laugh in spite of yourself.
14. Take a nap. Just put yourself into a mini coma. The world can wait. Write down whatever weird nap-dreams you had too.
15. Get a box of crayons and use them.
16. Explore different sides of L.A. beyond Downtown: The Huntington, Descanso Gardens and Griffith Park have a lot to offer.
17. Take a walk in the sunshine and don’t be afraid to ask people permission to pet their dogs.
18. Take a nice shower and afterwards if you have a favorite lotion that smells good, use it!
19. If you need to cry — Listen to some Adele if you need to. Watch Titanic and use Jack’s death and frozen sinking to the depths of the Atlantic as a cover if you’re embarrassed. Everyone will understand if you’re upset about Jack dying in Titanic. It’s okay. None of us will ever let go.
20. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from other people. Or even a hug.
21. It’s okay if you couldn’t get anything done today.
22. It’s okay to not have a reason for feeling bad.
23. These feelings don’t last forever. Nor do they have to.
24. You’re going to be okay. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself. Any flight attendant will tell you that before you help the people next to you you have to put on your own oxygen mask thing in the even of an emergency.
25. Just think about all the dogs in the world. There are so many dogs in the world. So many dogs to pet who love you unconditionally.
Lame, and you’re trying too hard to be funny.
EXERCISE for at least 30 min. The endorphins will kick in and all signs of “depression” will disappear afterwards.