Five regrettable but inevitable things you will do during midterm week
This week, I’m finally taking a break from my usual life stories in lieu of a special occasion that takes place once a semester: midterm season. Despite spending the whole first half of the semester in classes, I have come to realize just days before the tests that I don’t in fact know very much. As someone who puts off studying until I really have to, I share my top procrastinating activities with you in the secret hope that you do them too.
- Waste time at TroGro (aka Starbucks)
Every single time I come here after long (attempted) study sessions at Leavey library, I immediately regret not utilizing Tapingo. Who has time to wait in a line that goes all the way out the door? Answer: I do, when I’m trying to procrastinate. Yes, indecisive man trying to order a bagel. Please take a little longer. I know the decision between plain and everything can be tough.
- Online shop while at a library
Guilty as charged. If you saw a YikYak about an Asian girl at Leavey doing a little clothes shopping while “studying” Latin around nine p.m. yesterday, that was definitely about me. Hey, my four American Apparel shirts should be coming in the mail sometime next week. Hopefully they come on the same day I get my midterm grade back, they’ll make the results sting a little less.
- Surf Yahoo! News headlines
Whether we like to admit it or not, many of us use Yahoo! News as one of our primary, if not the only. news sources. Who cares if it’s less credible than The Washington Post? It’s the sensationalized headlines that are really entertaining and distracting. A two-headed Zebra was born in an Ohio Zoo? It was a hoax? Wow. Either way, you’ve already wasted time clicking on the links and reading the humorous comments from your fellow Americans who are also too lazy to check out a more reliable publication.
- Watch Netflix when you really shouldn’t
Netflix is the ultimate time waster in college, and midterm week only exacerbates our use of instant streaming. Added to this is the really unfortunate timing of House of Cards Season 3’s recent release last week. Or, you might be like me and continue to re-watch episodes of The Office.
- Take more naps than usual
Despite the fact that you are probably (read: hopefully) studying more than you do in an average week, you may also be taking more naps. Hey, nothing makes me sleepier than staring at pages of text. I’ve also fallen into the trap of studying in my bed. In my experience, studying while lying down has never ended well…at least for my grades.
Megan Chun is a freshman majoring in environmental studies and political science. Her column, “A Day in the Life,” runs on Fridays every other week.