A Dutch Girl at USC: First Impressions
One month ago, 133 Marshall exchange students made their way to Los Angeles from all around the globe. For some it was a bigger culture shock than for others, but I believe I speak on behalf of all of us when I say that the past four weeks have been filled with new experiences. I study business administration at my home university, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, and chose to come to USC for a semester so that I can take music industry classes, catch some of that Californian sunshine and get a taste of the true American college life.
Though I am Dutch by nationality, I spent my childhood living in Germany, India and Australia. Growing up in different countries has impacted my life in many ways, most notably in that I do not get homesick. For many other exchange students, living in Los Angeles is the first time they are away from their hometown and family, but this is not the case for me. I have lived across the globe from my parents (who currently reside in Sydney) for the past two and a half years and the concept of “hometown” does not really exist for me. The only person I ever really miss when going abroad is my boyfriend.
Despite all this, packing up my things and boarding a plane to an entirely different continent was nerve racking.
Will I make friends? What will my roommate be like? Will I like my classes? These were some of the thoughts running through my head.
I did not need to worry, though, because the Trojan Family has welcomed me with open arms. People have helped me find my way every time I get lost on campus — because even though the USC campus is small by American standards, it is a lot bigger than my campus back home — and I have made friends in every class. I could not have asked for more amazing people to share my apartment with at the Lorenzo, and all my professors are incredibly inspiring (shout out to Paul Young who teaches “Basics of the Music Industry”).
Fitting everything I have done these past few weeks into one post is impossible. A few things I have done so far, though are: learned how to pay rent by check (the ’90s are calling, they want their banking system back), taken a glorious nap on Santa Monica beach, eaten Chipotle (which is amazing), stood in a couple of fountains on campus for a scavenger hunt, been to a frat party, waited in line for a warehouse sale in the sweltering L.A heat and attended the Arkansas vs. USC football game after tailgating (which deserves its own post). I also joined the lovely people of KXSC as a radio station intern. Side note — if you ever see people walking around campus in a robot suit, they are KXSC interns and you should give them some love.
All in all, my first impressions of USC and Los Angeles did not disappoint. I do not know how the rest of the semester will unfold, but of one thing I am sure — this is going to be one crazy, fun, school-spirit filled ride.
Wat leuk dat je op USC zit. Ik werk voor USC in de Joint Educational project (JEP). Ik heet Dieuwertje, kom maar langs. Ik zou je graag willen ontmoeten. Groetjes DJ