In the wake of the heat wave

Megha Gupta | Daily Trojan

Megha Gupta | Daily Trojan

After the sun beat down on us with no mercy last week, there are two must-have items you should make sure to take with you before walking out of the house this week: sunscreen and a water bottle. While walking back and forth between classes and being outside all day on game days, staying hydrated and out of the sun seems like an impossible task. Who wants to take the time to put on sunscreen in the morning? Those three minutes of sleep are precious, and I respect that. However, I also respect taking care of one’s skin health.

Though getting a golden tan seems like a great way to take advantage of the oppressive sun, it comes with many risks. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the most prevalent cancer amongst 25 to 29 year olds is melanoma, caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The best way to protect oneself is to apply sunscreen once every few hours. Alternatively, you could find a face moisturizer with at least SPF 30, as well as Chapstick or body lotion with at least SPF 30.

Take your skin protection game to the next level by throwing on a USC hat or sunglasses, because if you invest in school swag it might as well be protective too.

In addition to sporting sunscreen, staying hydrated is also vital. No one wants that nasty post-game day hangover because they forgot their water bottle. Keep that Camelbak or Nalgene handy. You can even refill them when you are at the Coliseum. Reusable water bottles will save you money and the hassle of waiting in lines at the concession stand. Instead, go straight for the drinking fountain before the game or in between quarters. It is truly an investment that pays for itself.

During classes, make sure to keep your water with you in a handy place. It’s a good idea to keep it in either that water bottle pocket in your backpack that would alternatively accumulate gum wrappers and receipts (or is that just me?), or on hand for that 10-minute walk or jog from KAP to VKC. With all the humidity and heat, you want to make sure to replenish your fluids.

It’s also important to maintain a healthy diet while combatting the heat — think five cups of fruits and veggies a day, tea or coffee, plenty of protein and lots of water. Being thirsty during class is the worst. With your water bottle in hand, you won’t have to sweat it.

As always, being a Trojan comes with the perk of getting non-stop sun year round, and with that privilege come certain responsibilities. Doing your best to stay out of direct sunlight, protecting yourself with sunscreen, eating well and hydrating are simply a few actions that can keep you at your best in this beautiful, sunny, pre-midterm football season portion of the first semester.

Fight on, stay healthy (and hydrated) and beat the Farm!