Comedy showcase empowers women of various backgrounds

Renowned comedian Tina Fey once said, “The difference between male comedy writers and female comedy writers is that the male ones are taller and weigh more.”

The idea that women can’t be comedians, that women don’t have a sense of humor. , and other gender-biased stereotypes will be put to rest as women of color will come together and take on the comedic and creative domain that is overrun by white males.

The Women’s Center for Creative Work, a small nonprofit organization, will be hosting Women of Color in Comedy, an ensemble which will display performances of monologues, sketches and songs. The highly anticipated event will be directed by Rebecca Aranda and presented by One Axe Plays, a branch of WCCW.

One Axe Plays is a film and theater collective for women working in the creative professions that involve writing, directing, acting and comedy. They strive for the promotion of work and stories by women through showcases, singular productions and short films, in addition to other outlets. This promotion builds a thriving network where creators can work together and consistently produce high-quality pieces for public enjoyment. Its host, the WCCW, was founded in 2013 and prides itself on teaching women how to uplift themselves and others. The WCCW advocates for female-led creative businesses and projects throughout Los Angeles.

The Women of Color In Comedy ensemble on Friday and Saturday will feature a cast of women from  entirely different backgrounds. They will be sharing anecdotes as well as performing sketches that touch on their personal lives. While many share differences in their upbringing, they all have one thing in common: They’re all extremely funny. Performances will be put on by nine talented women, including Nikki Bailey, Pili Valdes, Sue Chan, Michelle Sam, Lorraine DeGraffenreidt, Adrienne Gomez, Shawn Richards, Elia Saldana and Jovita Trujillo.

To be a part of this event, head out to the Women’s Center for Creative Work located on 2425 Glover Pl. on March 11 and 12 from 8-10 p.m. The event is on a first come first served basis and contingent upon a donation to the WCCW. Suggested admission is a small donation of $5 to $10.