Ask Hahney: Feeling unconfident in LA
I have a hard time feeling confident in how I look. Everyone in LA is so beautiful. Any advice on how to love myself?
Everyday I look in the mirror, I can choose to do one of two things. I can either look myself in the eyes and smile at my reflection or I can pick apart all of the things I wish I could change about myself. More often than not, I would do the latter. I would take note of every pimple, every dry patch, every extra pound that I never wanted, every stretch mark… and then Google how to get rid of it all. Feeling like you want to change some part of yourself is valid. Learning how to love yourself, especially your body, is hard. But know that you’re beautiful. Know that you’re worth it. And know that no one is “perfect.” And… We’re all in this together (cue high school musical)!
First and foremost, please know that all bodies are beautiful! We all come in different body sizes, different bone structures, different frames, different everything. But that’s what makes us unique. I don’t believe in an “ugly” body and neither should you. You may have a fantasized ideal body type, but the person next to you probably has a different ideal as well.
Secondly, the most important thing in this life is your health. Constantly swimming in your own negative thoughts is toxic. As cliche as it may sound, you are your worst critic. Perhaps the best advice I ever received was to flip the script. When friends come to you with their own body-image concerns and you’re confused as to how they could not love their bodies– the same goes for you. Practice what you preach and know that just as you want your friends to love their bodies, they want you to love yours. I want you to love yours. Flaunt who you are and your style because you are more than worth it.
Lastly, I know Los Angeles is a daunting place but perhaps the most wonderful thing about LA is its sheer size. Los Angeles County’s population is actually larger than some states’ (like Ohio). And the people who make up LA are so beautifully different. LA wouldn’t be LA if everyone looked the same… Keep those who know how to embrace these differences close and again, know that you’re beautiful.
Plus, when we all grow old with our wonderful wrinkles and nice sagging skin– we won’t care about body types. We’ll care about the people we chose to surround ourselves with. So, let me end with this: YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL, I PROMISE!!!!!
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