Students rally against election outcome

Trevor Sochocki | Daily Trojan
Stronger together · Dozens of students came together in an impromptu gathering Tuesday night after election results handed Donald Trump the victory. Speakers expressed fear for minority groups, including undocumented immigrants and people of color, and urged young people to make a change by voting in local elections.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, this is freakin hilarious. Buried deep in the US Constitution, next to the stuff about fraternities being placed on double secret probation, you will find an article detailing how student rallies can be used to overturn the results of a fair and legal election.
What would the day be without college snowflakes gathering to show the rest of us how morally superior they are to the rest of us.
Snow Flakes got butt hurt!
Hey College kids, if you rally hard enough it will overturn the election result.