With a Twist: Staying Organized this Semester

Photo from Tips to Organize

It’s midterm season, which means it is time to get organized. I’m not just talking about sorting your class notes that you scribbled in random notebooks — being organized this semester is more than just schoolwork. Since we are midway through the semester, it is important to reevaluate different aspects of your life and improve organizational skills to help you get through the next few months. Here are a few tips to stay on track this semester:

Start your day organized.

I have to give my roommate credit for this first tip. Admittedly, my side of the room can get a little messy (my roommate can attest to this). However, she often reminds me of the importance of starting each morning by making my bed. This small organizational tool not only helps make your room look clean, but also starts your day off feeling organized.

Use your phone to your advantage.

Setting reminders on your phone and using your iCal will definitely keep your life in check. You’ll never forget what you need to do throughout the day by setting a reminder. Furthermore, our days are extremely busy at school, so using your calendar on your phone will make sure you can schedule in time for yourself, whether it is a quick workout, nap or a lunch with a friend.

Keep track of your fitness schedule.

Having a steady workout schedule can be hard to manage in our everyday lives. In order to stay on track of your health this semester, it is important to make fitness goals. Whether it is working out at the gym or taking a group class, find times to work out that fit in your schedule and commit to a fitness routine. An easy solution to keep track of your fitness is to use the health app on an iPhone. This app measures how many miles you walk each day. Setting a goal for how far you will walk in a day adds structure to your schedule.

Don’t forget about your fruits and vegetables.

It is not only important to organize your physical health, but it is also crucial to maintain healthy eating habits. To stay on top of this, make sure to incorporate healthy foods in your meals. Prepare vegetables as snacks to eat between classes, buy some fruit at the campus farmer’s market or swap out a side for a salad in order to have balance in food groups throughout the day.

Organize your personal well-being.

While it is important to organize your room, schedule and health, it is also crucial to stay on top of your personal well-being. In order to organize your semester, take time every Sunday to map out your week so you know what you have to do and what you want to accomplish. Balancing your school work, social life and personal well-being will ensure a successful semester.

Carly Price is a freshman majoring in journalism. Her column, With a Twist, runs every week on Wednesday.