Written in the stars: What to focus on this eclipse season

I’m writing this on my rooftop mere minutes before my 21st birthday. I’m listening to my favorite songs, looking out onto the Los Angeles skyline and reflecting on everything that’s happened this past year as I soak up the last moments of my 21st trip around the sun. I’m not out on the town like I always thought I’d be, counting down the seconds until midnight when I can proudly show a bartender my ID. All of that sounds fun, but I really wouldn’t want to be having a wild night out right now. 

Maybe this longing for introspection is just part of getting older — or maybe it’s the eclipse season. 

Come 2:59 a.m. PST on Nov. 8, a lunar eclipse in Taurus will push us toward change and personal growth. 

In astrology, the moon represents your innermost emotions. It’s who you are, at your core, when no one else is around. On their own, full moons heighten emotions and encourage introspection. About two times per year, though, the full moon takes place in a lunar eclipse, which intensifies emotions even more drastically. 

This is the second eclipse season of the year, with the first happening in April and May. The broader season started in November of last year and will end next October. The stars may be pushing you to work through certain challenges that arose around this time last year. 

The Oct. 25 solar eclipse in Scorpio kicked off this month’s cycle, bringing identity crises and an urge to distance ourselves from others. Now, we’re in the transitional period between the two eclipses, a time for high amounts of reflection and growth. 

People with fixed placements — Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius — will feel the effects of the eclipse season more than others. 

Taurus is a fixed earth sign, meaning it exhibits the stabilizing, stubborn nature of a fixed sign with the grounded, practical energy of the earth element. So, although there may be intense emotions on the horizon, Taurus energy will encourage us to deal with them in a relatively calm manner. Still, the placement could lead to internalizing feelings, so don’t be afraid to tell others what’s really on your mind.

Here’s what to focus on this week based on your rising sign.


The eclipse will occur in your twelfth house of the subconscious. Trust your gut and take some time out of your busy schedule to listen with what your body, heart and mind tell you. Failure to do so may lead to an outburst of emotion when you least expect it. It may also be wise to take some time before making any important decisions and to avoid making these decisions based solely on emotion. 


Self care should be your priority right now, Taurus. In spite of the never-ending midterm season, take even an hour out of your day to focus on you. Sorting through your emotions, however that looks for you, is a good idea. Journal, talk to a friend or pour your energy into something creative this week. 


With the moon in your second house of possessions, now is a good time to go through any sentimental objects you own. Are you holding on to anything that you should let go of to move forward? Clean up your spaces in general too this week — especially the places you don’t often give your attention to. Dig that trash out of your backpack, look under your bed and head out of eclipse season with a fresh start. 


Healthy communication is key for you this week. Don’t keep your emotions bottled up. Pour your energy into how you communicate best, whether it’s over coffee with a friend, creating art or a phone call to a family member. Try to be vulnerable and you’ll see progress in the areas of your life that are causing difficulties right now. 


The eclipse will occur in your fourth house of family and home. Take some time to send a letter to your family, buy some flowers for your apartment or make dinner with your roommates. Making yourself comfortable and encouraging stability in your environment is key this week, especially as a fixed sign who will be feeling the effects of the eclipse more than others. 


The moon is in your fifth house of pleasure, which is in charge of not only love, but all of the little things in life that bring happiness. Get in tune with your love language and do something special for yourself this week. If your love language is gifts, take a few minutes to order something you’ve been wanting. If it’s acts of service, get a chore done that will make your future self thank you.


Now is the perfect time to pick up a new healthy habit, Libra. If you’ve been meaning to eat healthier, pick up some more fruits and vegetables next time you’re at the store. Even something as simple as going on more walks can go a long way. 


Pay close attention to your relationships this week, Scorpio. This eclipse may hit you pretty hard since it is in your opposite sign, so carve out some quality time with those around you. Reach out to a friend you haven’t had a chance to catch up with in a while, even if it’s just a short study or coffee date. It’s also a good time to light a new flame in your love life and see where it takes you. 


The eclipse will be in your eighth house of sex. Besides the obvious, the house also deals with money, making now a good time to keep a good grasp on your finances. Avoid impulsive purchases and opt for making more meals at home instead of ordering out. Although this is difficult for the adventurous Sagittarius, you’ll thank yourself later when you can use the money on a fun travel experience. 


Capricorn, you especially will be feeling an inclination toward introspection this week. Although it may feel unnatural, lean into it and take some time to understand your innermost values and aspirations. Think about how much you have grown since  last November’s eclipse season, and how you can use that to grow even more in the next year. 


Focusing on your career is ideal right now. Apply to some internships or take some time to hone in on your career path. If you are currently employed, set aside some extra time to focus on any projects you’ve been meaning to dive into; this will set you up nicely for the next year. 


Your friends will get you through this emotional time, Pisces. Make sure you’re surrounding yourself with people who make you feel like your best self. It might be tempting to keep your head down this week, but even a simple text conversation during study breaks may go a long way. 

Jenna Peterson is junior writing about anything and everything horoscope related. She is also a news editor of the Daily Trojan.