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Yellow flower illuminated by setting sun in Alumni Park. (Bryce Dechert / Daily Trojan)



In the eleventh week of the Daily Trojan’s Weekly Frame, deputy sports photo editor Bryce Dechert and staff photographer Marissa Ding were tasked with capturing life on campus from a macro view. In the context of photography, “macro” refers to close-up photography of small objects that often use blur to highlight the subject.

Yellow flower illuminated by setting sun in Alumni Park. (Bryce Dechert / Daily Trojan)
SC logo on a mini lava lamp given away at a women’s basketball game this semester. (Bryce Dechert / Daily Trojan)

In these photos, I experimented with bokeh and used it as a tool to highlight flowers and parts of trees that we pass by on campus frequently but often don’t take the time to fully observe. I focused on zooming into small objects and situating them in their surroundings, whether those were the murky water of a fountain or the buildings behind a rock sculpture.

Marissa Ding

Staff photographer
Fallen flower petals floating in a fountain. (Marissa Ding / Daily Trojan)
Dried beans from a tree next to the Widney Alumni House. (Marissa Ding / Daily Trojan)
Rocks balanced on top of each other from a sculpture in front of the Roski School of Art and Design. (Marissa Ding / Daily Trojan)
Flowers from a tree next to the Widney Alumni House. (Marissa Ding / Daily Trojan)

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