The escalating danger of performative activism

Social media is deteriorating individuals’ comprehension of critical societal issues.

(Lucy Chen / Daily Trojan)

As a self-proclaimed Instagram addict, I’ve spent countless hours scrolling through stories and analyzing my mutuals’ day-to-day habits and perspectives. Often, story after story encompassed with hashtags and graphics demanding social reform, representation and global justice consume my feed. While these stories seem like a sign of proficient global awareness triggered by the advancement of digital media networks, I can’t help but observe that the majority of these posts come from peers who, in real life, can’t effectively back up these statements. 

These proclamations don’t arise from a wholehearted concern for contemporary affairs; rather, they’re spurred by the unspoken pressure to adhere to what’s considered the “trendy” opinion. Social media has thus accentuated a culture where reposting is seen as mandatory for social validation — propelling a global emergence of performative activism. 

Consider the case of the black squares posts in 2020. The initial intention of these social media posts was to show support for Black voices affected by systemic injustices during the Black Lives Matter movement, but it soon revealed an underlying objective of avoiding “cancel culture.” According to an interview conducted by NBC News, Nupol Kiazolu, president of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York, stated that the “#BlackoutTuesday” was considered “frustrating” and “counterproductive,” especially since this was the sole piece of action several self-proclaimed activists and everyday social media users took. As a result, the first-hand experiences of Black creators were silenced, which reduced involvement in genuine advocacy, promoting an illusion of false involvement. With this, we’re not fighting for justice; we’re fighting to fit in. 

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Society is now focusing on having collective opinions rather than distinctive contributions. This shift simultaneously stems from educational ignorance: why do our own research when we can look at what our mutuals are posting? This “shortcut” only generates counterproductivity and discourages individualistic thinking. 

Furthermore, performative activism takes away from understanding the complexity of a topic. Simplifying the nuances of a topic to mere hashtags derails focus from the intricacy of an issue, placing less emphasis on multiperspective understanding. This simplicity creates a false narrative that education is not necessary for understanding current affairs.

 For instance, when #StopAsianHate gained popularity, the intention behind the hashtag was to garner attention to anti-Asian violence in the United States. A study by the Columbia Political Review demonstrates how Asian Pacific Islander Desi American degradation is embedded into American society through recurring trends of stereotypes, fetishization and anti-immigration policies. Yet, reducing the complexities of Asian American struggles to a three-word phrase invalidates immigrant experiences and discourages fellow non-Asian Americans from understanding the root of this violence. Thus, scholarly ignorance is deemed acceptable, taking away from individual understanding of critical issues. 

While some argue that this form of activism is essential to “spreading awareness” and that any discussion of a topic is valuable, all this online advocacy accomplishes is suppressing underrepresented voices that genuinely comprehend the nuances of a topic. 

As individuals who desire systematic change, specifically in a media-dominated society, we are losing sight of what’s important. “Cancel culture” and the desire for social acceptance are being used to excuse the lack of effort being made to advocate for long-lasting impact. We are casting away a complex understanding of the world around us and having scholarly discussions to preserve reputations and conform to a socially acceptable narrative. 

Real activism requires far more than just reposting an image or applying a hashtag. We need to focus on effective activism, whether it’s mere educational discussion with our peers, involvement in protest movements or simply speaking up for diverse injustices without a self-centered incentive. 

Many individuals default to these performative actions due to a sense of altruism, namely, an urge to contribute to fighting injustices in some way, no matter how small. Yet, the fear of being “left out” of an online movement causes people to feel obligated to post and align with a socially acceptable stance. These actions only deprive efforts toward true justice. 

When activism reiterates optics, conformity is prioritized over critical reasoning. Half-hearted beliefs are misleading to the general public, and without understanding the “why” before taking a stance on a social issue, we are just as ignorant as someone who expresses direct disinterest.

The next time we feel compelled to repost on social media, let’s pause and first focus on educating ourselves on nuanced issues. True activism isn’t about what is considered “trendy,” so let’s ensure that we promote a culture of individual awareness and active societal involvement to create a more informed future.

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