Leisurely walking an effective form of mental jogging
Next time you’re about to study for an exam, try putting down that 20 oz. cup of coffee and the bottle of ADD medication. Instead, try walking. That’s right, a new Yahoo! article has reported a study that claims that walking not only limbers the aging body, but “keeps the mind supple as well.”
Increasing the connectivity between brain circuits, walking can improve memory, attention and other cognitive processes. Simply put, walking is likely more effective than you might expect.
“When we walk we integrate visual input, auditory input, as well as input that’s coming from joints and muscles regarding where the foot is, how much force, and things like that ” said Millar, a professor of Physical Therapy at Andrews University, in the Yahoo! News piece.
With a beautiful campus sprawled out among us, we should consider spending more time exploring its boundaries. So next time you walk to class, don’t take the shortcut. Instead, take the long route.