Apple adds another piece to music pie
There’s no question that Apple revolutionized the way we listen to music.
The music industry in particular has undergone significant changes because of digital music sales through the iTunes Music Store. Apple’s empire began with the perfect marriage of iTunes and iPod, a pairing that is now considered the current standard of the listening public for purchase of digital music. Virtually all musical acts thrive on spreading their music through iTunes in order to utilize the far reaching arm of the “Apple Empire” to reach their audience.
Despite iTunes’ massive influence over the music industry in the last decade, until recently, one musical act has maintained its separation from the musical giant and has been able to see steady sales for more than 50 years.
Last week, Apple announced that music from The Beatles will now be available on iTunes. Since the announcement, sales have skyrocketed — The Beatles have 55 songs on the list of Top 200 songs as well as a number of albums on the Top 200
But that’s not really much of a surprise. The Beatles catalogue is one of the most important pieces of musical property in history and has had strong sales throughout its entire existence — sales that easily transitioned over to iTunes.