The following incidents were reported in the USC Dept. of Public Safety incident report summary for Monday, Oct. 1.
Crimes against a person
at 10:59 a.m. on Oct. 1, a student reported that an acquaintance continued to contact her in person, by phone and email after being asked not to do so. DPS officers advised the student to document the incidents and instructed her how to file a restraining order against the subject.
Crimes against property
At 12:07 P.m. on Oct. 1, a student reported her skateboard missing from Elizabeth VonKleinsmid Memorial Hall.
at 9:08 a.m. on Oct. 1, a suspect entered an unsecured studio at the Ray and Nadine Watt Hall of Architecture and Fine Arts, and removed an unattended cellular phone and currency from a wallet.
Miscellaneous incidents
at 8:55 p.m. on Oct.1, a non-USC female reported that she purchased what she believed to be two laptop computers from a suspect who approached her in the parking lot at Superior Market. The suspect then fled on a bicycle. When the female opened the computer boxes, she discovered that they contained only old phone books.
At 1:40 P.m. on Oct. 1, DPS officers responded to a staff member who suffered a seizure at the Keck Hospital of USC. A Rapid Response team was examining the staff member when the officers arrived, and she was subsequently released at the scene.
At 12:49 P.m. on Oct. 1, a staff member reported that she observed an elderly patient’s caregiver physically abuse the patient at the Eileen and Kenneth T. Norris Dental Science Center. Both parties left the premises prior to the report and DPS officers subsequently notified the Elderly Abuse hotline of the incident.
At 11:14 A.m. on Oct. 1, the property manager at 1197 36th St. reported that a student became irate during a dispute about a security deposit and threatened to vandalize his vehicle. The student was not available for questioning at the time of the report.
at 9:15 A.m. on Oct. 1, DPS officers responded to a student who was feeling faint and had suffered a temporary loss of vision at Ralph and Goldy Lewis Hall. A Los Angeles Fire Department Rescue Ambulance Unit was requested and Unit #34 responded. The RA Unit examined the student then transported her to California Hospital for medical treatment.
Who buys laptops in the Superior Market parking lot from a guy on a bicycle? Maybe you should stop payment on the check?