Delicious kindness, a change of mindset
We live in a stop-and-go world. Much of our day is predetermined with a set routine and, at times, we can become so robotic that we forget to set aside time for ourselves. Since it is a new semester, our routine might have changed a bit, but for me I still seem to need to stop, take a step back and remind myself that I am important and I deserve to take time to treat myself like I am. I have coined this ability of knocking out self-deprecation and not enough self-respect as being deliciously kind to myself.
Our generation tends to do a lot of hate talk. I’m too this, too that, not tall enough not skinny enough. We feel guilty for little things like eating that chocolate cake for dessert or looking at our bodies with a negative eye. We deprive ourselves from loving who we are — and I think that needs to change. Taking on the ability to be deliciously kind is a bit difficult as it means we must try our best to be mindful and present as often as we can be. It seems so simple and easy to live in the moment, but in actuality it is an ever-evolving practice with our minds.
Start the mindset change by deleting that “all-or-nothing approach.” We seem to see a lot of the world as being black or white. You mess up on that test and, oh no, your life is over. You get in a fight with someone you care about — your relationship is ruined. You eat that cookie — you’re so unhealthy. You are not doing yourself any favors with this negative, definitive thinking. Try not to let your fear of not doing things absolutely “perfectly” hold you hostage any more. Take each challenge you come across and create small goals and remember to celebrate the small victories along the way. Nothing is ever going to be perfect and the sooner you can accept that then the happier you will be.
Embrace things for what they are — enjoy what you are eating and what you are doing. Ever too often, people on the path to better health, physically and mentally, assume they’ll have to deprive and restrict themselves all of the time. This is false. Do small things with great pleasure and really soak it all in- that is important if you want to treat yourself with delicious kindness!
Lastly, let yourself relax sometimes. We really are our own biggest critics. Take breaks when you need to. Go chill in the quad and take in the beautiful things around you. Life can become overwhelmingly crazy and if you don’t stop and just let yourself feel than you are going to miss it all. Treat yourself to splurges once in a while and don’t over think it. Remind yourself that you are important, loved and an amazing person. Take care of yourself because you are so, so special and deserve to be treated in that way.
If you’re ready to fully experience a life filled with deliciousness, nourishment and self-love, then make room for you. Embrace each possibility of the day as your own and continuously remind yourself that you are enough.
Brittany Fleck is a sophomore majoring in human development and aging. Her column, “B-Flecksible,” runs Fridays.