Last-minute tips to make your essay shine
Maybe you forgot you had an essay to write. Or, maybe you just put it off until the last minute. Either way, it’s the night before your important paper is due and you are just relieved that you’re no longer staring at a blank screen. It can be tempting to submit your paper to Turnitin as soon as you finish it, but resist the urge. After all, what would your Writing 150 professor say if she or he saw your blatant disregard for the revision and editing processes? Here are a few quick tips for putting the finishing touches on your essay so that you can ensure it’s the best it can be.
1. Make a list of your personal “errors to avoid.” This means you need to be introspective for a few minutes. Think about surface-level grammar or spelling errors that you have struggled with in the past and write them down. By noting your most frequent errors, you can make sure to keep an eye out for any mistakes when you’re re-reading and editing. (Think their/there/they’re, it’s/its, your/you’re, etc. If you aren’t sure about when to use a semicolon, look it up).
2. Print out your essay. You’re probably going to be reluctant to waste valuable paper and ink on this, but it can be much easier to spot errors when you’re reading a hard copy. It enables you to circle any mistakes with a colored pen and make notes of places where you need to re-word a sentence or further analyze one of your points.
3. Read your paper out loud. Yes, you will feel silly and you will feel like you’re talking to yourself. Warn your roommate if you must. Our brains fill in gaps and correct errors when we read our own work. So ideally, you would get someone else to edit your paper for you. If that’s not an option, read it aloud and you will almost certainly hear places where your wording is awkward or where your grammar isn’t quite right. Don’t forget to read for organization and structure as well!
4. Remember, you’re not texting. This should go without saying, but assuming that your assignment is supposed to have an academic tone, you should most likely avoid personal pronouns. Capitalize and punctuate your sentences appropriately. It’s important.