Eight tips to get you up for an early morning run

Photo courtesy of flickr.com

Photo courtesy of flickr.com

We all feel better when we do something healthy for our bodies. It’s just a fact. But I think most of us know the difficult feeling of trying to bring yourself to get up early to go on a run. I bet half of you are nodding your head thinking back to the few hundreds of times that you pressed snooze—only then to realize that you ended up missing your 11 am class. Whoops!

Getting up early to go on a run is better for your body. It reenergized you after 8 hours of lying down and jumpstarts your entire day off the get go. According to LiveStrong, running in the morning can actually provide extra psychological and physiological benefits that help speed your progress throughout the entire day. This means that you actually may preform better on your tests and homework if you get your blood moving early in the morning. You are giving your body that extra bit of energy it would not of gotten otherwise. It also clears up time in your day for when you would have been working out and it increases your productivity.

Here are some good tips of ways you can stay motivated early in the morning and get yourself out of bed to get your blood pumpin’.

1. Find the right route. If you find a nice running path or area you like to run in, then it is much easier to motivate yourself to do it. You not only enjoy the experience more, but it is way better than running around the same track for an hour over and over again.

2. Go to bed early. This is just an obvious. If you are not tired, then getting up in the morning will not be as difficult as it would be if you were to not get the proper amount of zzzzz’s.

3. Open the blinds, get the daylight burning. Light actually wakes you up physically and if you see bright light coming it your body’s sleep mode will begin to shut off.

4. Sleep in the clothes that you will run in. If you are already in them it is easier to just get up and go. Also, you will feel very guilty if you don’t get up and you slept in your clothes.

5. Have a yummy breakfast waiting for you. Bribe yourself and also treat yourself with something at the end of the day if you woke up early to run. Having incentive gives you motivation.

6. Move your alarm clock far away from reach so you have to get out of bed. It really, really works. Once you’re up, you’re up!

7. Buy cute new workout gear. If you look good you do good. Also if you spent the money on the clothes you will want to use them.

8. Run with a friend who will motivate you. This is the greatest way to get yourself up in the morning. If you know that a friend is relying on you and will motivate you then you aren’t in it alone.