Six perfect songs to bawl to on V-day

Photo of Olivia Rodrigo in a prom dress with mascara running and tears in her eyes.
Olivia Rodrigo’s ultimate post break-up anthem “Good 4 u” is the best must-scream song for this Valentine’s Day (and everyday) if you have just gotten dumped and yet somehow, your ex has already moved on.  (Photo courtesy of Creative Commons)

If your relationship status is single this Valentine’s Day, you can still find a way to enjoy the holiday — or at least find a way to make it more bearable. 

This day can be lonely, especially if you feel as if everyone around you is getting struck by Cupid’s arrow and consequently indulging in love songs and overpriced roses from their special someone.Getting through a day about love when you aren’t loving love at the moment can seem like an impossible task, but with the right playlist, it doesn’t have to be. 

So if you are longing for a special someone who doesn’t know you like them, missing your ex or just happy with being single, there is a song that is perfect for you on this list. 

…If you’re single and loving it

“Soulmate” (Lizzo)

Who says you need a romantic partner to be thriving? There is nothing wrong with learning to fall in love with yourself and taking some time for self care this Valentine’s Day. Maybe treat yourself to some flowers from Trader Joe’s or a meal that isn’t from a dining hall. Make Feb. 14 your special day! 

Not everyone will understand why you don’t long for love or wish to put yourself out there romantically, and that’s OK. You don’t need a date to have an incredible Valentine’s Day. If you have a “me, myself kinda attitude,” this empowering song is one you want to have on repeat. 

…If you’re single and angry at your ex

“good 4 u” (Olivia Rodrigo)

Being single doesn’t have to be a brutal experience, but if you are enraged and full of despair about someone who wronged you or broke your heart, this is your song for sure. Olivia Rodrigo’s angsty lyrics capture the feeling of watching your ex living their best life after you broke up. And if you’re looking for some more heartbreak worthy songs, give the rest of Olivia’s album “Sour” a listen if you haven’t already. Blast this song at top volume, wear some purple and plot your revenge (just don’t cover everything in gasoline and light the place on fire in the process). 

…If you’re single and don’t understand why everyone is in love

“Crush Culture” (Conan Gray)

Are all of your friends madly in love this semester? Is someone you know getting a ton of Missed Connections (or submitting them for other people)? Do you not understand why people are so obsessed with romance? Then “Crush Culture,” Gray’s iconic bop, is the song for you! 

If you’re feeling annoyed by the couples you see holding hands and making out right outside of your dorm building (and everywhere else on campus), just grab your earbuds, press play and listen to Conan Gray’s anti-love song masterpiece. 

…If you’re single but hopeful that you’ll meet “the one” soon

“Haven’t Met You Yet” (Michael Bublé)

If you are a firm believer in the saying “There is someone out there for everyone,” this is the perfect song for you. Whether you are waiting for one of your friends to set you up on a date, or you’re trying to meet someone on an app, you can listen to this upbeat love song as you wait for your “meet cute” moment to happen. 

Everyone deserves to live out the rom-com fantasy of their dreams, and it’s only a matter of time before you get to experience yours. Just be patient, love is just around the corner. 

…If you’re single and you feel like you are not the kind of person that people fall in love with

“At Seventeen” (Janis Ian)

Now if you don’t believe that love is just around the corner, Janis Ian’s soul-crushing song is perfect to curl up in a ball and cry to and might be more your speed. 

Performed during the very first SNL episode ever, At Seventeen is anything but hilarious. Instead, the song pays tribute to anyone who feels like they aren’t worthy of being loved because they don’t feel as beautiful as those around them. If you are feeling hopeless this Valentine’s Day, this song might not be able to take away that lonely feeling, but it may help you realize that you are not alone and that other people can relate to what you’re going through. 

…If you’re single and you just broke up with someone because you finally told them how much they have hurt you

“This Is The Last Time” (Keane)

For such a tragic message, Keane manages to have this song sound empowering and relatively upbeat. “This Is The Last Time’’ is exactly the song you need in your life if you broke up with someone before Valentine’s Day, or if it’s your first Valentine’s Day being single after a while.

But if you’re still in a toxic relationship, this song just might give you the courage to stand up to your partner for the last time and move on to a happier, healthier relationship in the future. Whatever your feelings are on the 14th, “This Is The Last Time,” or any of the songs in this list just might help fill a void in your heart and embrace being single.